It seems like a very simple question, but for anyone seriously considering a life as a makeup artist, it is always worth the extra chain of thought before settling down with a decision and going full throttle ahead. With all the hype around artists and fashion stylist with shows like Top Model, Project Runway and Rachel Zoe the secret is definitely out- a life in the fashion and beauty industry can absolutely be very glamorous. But if you look closely, there is also a lot of hard work, human relations being made and a creative outlet that never ends. In case you were wondering, this is a good thing! If we all worked in the field just for the champagne and canapés, we would be bored out of our minds within a year. But if your heart is truly in it, and you dream is to create, inspire and last but certainly not least; run a great business, Makeup artistry could definitely be the career for you.
There are a couple of questions you should ask yourself and analyze the answer to see if this field if truly your passion- which then means that you would be successful at it.
ü Do I want to work 9-5, Monday to Friday without a chance of change in my work structure? – If your answer is NO, then you’re off to a great start as the work of a Makeup artist is so varied that we rarely know their structure until the months before. However, we are able to take control and make decisions regarding which hours to work, but most makeup artists thrive on the choice to work Saturdays and take Tuesday and Wednesday off instead.
ü Am I living to work or working to live? – as a makeup artist the answer should be living to work- because the photo shoots, films, teaching or consulting we do hardly feels like work! This is what we love to do and what makes us happy, so the hours or the location are minor details that more often than not make our lives magnificently flexible.
ü Do I want to become a makeup artist to make myself look hot?- as a makeup artist, we should of course always look great as we represent our own products basically, however, the focus should always be on the client, model or celebrity. If we are more into our own looks than theirs, it means that we don´t really care. There is a big misunderstanding when it comes to makeup and it´s artist, regarding it being purely superficial. But the look on a clients face, when they look into the mirror after our work is done, and they feel a sense of pride and joy about their looks, and finally see the beauty on the outside that we saw on the inside- that is truly the most un-superficial moment where one person is helping another.
ü Does makeup artistry make me feel calm, excited and happy all at once?- This is probably the most important question, as what we choose to spend most of our time doing, should be something that creates all those emotions at ones. The great thing about recognizing those emotions while working is that it is the number one reassurance that you will be successful! Passion leads to talent, and talent leads to success and when we are 100% passionate about the work we do, we will always succeed and be the best.
ü Do I want to be my own boss, freelance and run a successful business? - If your answer is not YES, the career might not be the best suited for you. As mentioned before, when we have so much passion which leads into talent for a craft, it is inevitable that we will be successful. So if these things are something you do not want in your life, it would be better to get out now before the jobs and money comes pouring in!
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