Miley Cyrus is truly such a sweet and talented girl. As she is getting older now she is venturing out and testing new looks both in makeup and clothing and she is absolutely gorgeous and stunning. But to be honest, she looks the best right now in this type of look because she is still young and have a long life of growing up so she shouldn´t rush into celebrity makeup looks that are too sexy for her.
So the great trick behind this look is that it lets Miley stay innocent yet strong. Notice how her arms and décolletage has been made up in the same tone as her face and with a hint of shine to give her that healthy glow.
When it comes to the makeup, the focus is definitely on the eyes, but again without being too over the top. The typical young makeup look is always to focus on the eyelashes and the mascara used with it.
The face is made flawless without looking too covered; a job that any mineral based foundation would easily do. The cheeks are given a young and fresh look by using pure pink, and the eyebrows are firmly shaped and colored.
The eyes barely have any eye shadow, just a light, matt and cold pink in the inner eye corner to open the area up. The effect of massive eyelashes is given by using cream eyeliner along the upper eyelid to make the lashes look filler and the eyelid look darker without actually using any eye shadow to do so. The brown eyeliner used along the inner eye rim is an important step to get a subtle and sultry gaze and to finish it all off- on comes the mascara. If you always have to use tons of mascara to create this celebrity makeup look, try switching to false lashes and less mascara.
I love how it looks, though I have never personally tried it. Ironically I think I'm giving this away in my blog's giveaway in the trio lol.I am all about the small details. I think I own more accessories than clothes!